Streamlining Communication Across Franchisees

McDonald's needed an effective way to introduce and promote the adoption of a new communication tool, Messenger, to franchisees scattered across the US, Canada, and Europe.
The challenge was to convey the tool's benefits and efficiency and cut down the need for individual demo sessions.

The campaign was designed for social media platforms where users scroll through the content quickly. For busy staff and franchisee owners, our strategy was to develop a concise and visually engaging video that would tell a story and illustrate the benefits and features of the platform within one minute.

To make the content accessible and easily understandable regardless of the viewer’s native language, we decided to craft a campaign without any voiceover.

Without a voice over, the video had to rely solely on visuals and other cues to communicate its message


After downloading and testing the Messenger app to grasp its use cases fully, Xclaymation created a detailed storyboard that mapped out the flow and key messages of the video.
The production focused on high-quality graphics and animations that explained the use cases and benefits in an easy-to-understand format. The approach ensured that the core messages were delivered effectively, fostering better understanding and engagement from the audience


Increase in adoption


Reduction in training sessions


Reduction in training duration

The video significantly enhanced the understanding and adoption of the Messenger tool among McDonald’s franchisees and staff. Within the first month of the launch, it reported an increase in engagement with the new platform and a marked improvement in understanding its features and functionality. Additionally, the adoption of the video led to a reduction in time spent on disseminating information and related costs.
The campaign made information more accessible and reduced the need for meetings and user trainings drastically.

— Team Lead, McDonald’s


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